Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nice to Hear from You!

I want to start out by saying thank you to those of you who I hear from from time to time. I don't always make the best effort myself to stay in touch, as it is always a constant battle between staying a part of my old life back in America and the life I am constantly trying to build for myself again and again where ever I happen to find myself. When I do hear from people from home (or from others who stumble upon my blog and/or youtube videos) it always makes me very happy. Thank you!

Now, onto more important things. I have been meaning to write a bit more on my blog this past week but ended up so tired and busy after my return from Vietnam. They, yesterday, I told myself I would get up early this morning and "be productive" and answer e-mails from home and do a blog post. But, last night we were out drinking heavily until almost 6 am so that previous plan obvioucly didn't pan out. Instead I spent my morning in bed trying not to move too much or throw up. I accomplished both of those goals and had a good night at work. And, I decdied this morning how thankful I am at time for having a life where I don't have many commitment outside of work. The fact that I totally wasted my morning being hungover had no impact on the rest of my life what-so-ever. Nice!

Now I have a lot to say but am tired so I am just quickly going to share my future travel plans with you. I will go to Hong Kong for 2 days in mid-May and then to Myanmar for 7 days at the end of May. And then, tonight at work I had a couple of customers invite me to Pakistan next year to attend their wedding. Now I don't know if this will pan out or not but if I receive an invite I will be on the next flight to Islamabad. How freaking amazing would that be?!?!

That's all for right now, more to come soon!


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