Thursday, July 25, 2013


I am starting this blog to document the adventure I am about to embark on, both for myself to remember and as a way to share what I'm doing with you. I hope to post on my blog almost daily and include photos when possible. I will try to keep my posts rather brief (this one being an exception) so it's not too time consuming for you to read.

For a bit about the journey I'm about to go on: I am looking to travel the world via whatever opportunities present themselves. Obviously I am seeking out certain opportunities that interest me butI have already decided that whatever pops up/work out is what I'm going to go with and not be too picky. Although I like planning and lists and preparedness, I'm excited to go on an adventure that doesn't involve these things. Some of the best trips I've taken in my life involved little or no planning and I hope to replicate that experience here.

So for today's update: 

This morning, some of the pieces of my adventure started to fall into place. I heard back from a farm in Georgia that I had contacted a few weeks ago. They said they would be able to have me down in the fall and I am just waiting to hear back from them on specific dates. I will likely stay there 3-4 weeks in mid/late September through end of October. 

Also today I heard from a cafe in New Zealand where I can work in exchange for room & board and possibly a few spending dollars. The cafe is located in a beach town near (?) Auckland. This would be during their summer, December - February.

Both of these opportunities I found through WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms), a program I will explain in more detail tomorrow. They are still somewhat tentative as no dates have been decided or plane tickets purchased (I won't be flying to Georgia but for obvious reasons I wont' be driving to New Zealand) but I am getting exciting nonetheless. Hopefully by tomorrowI will know more specifics about Georgia and New Zealand.

Here's what's on my schedule for now. Most items are tentative and subject to change:
Aug 2-7: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - Sturgis, SD
Aug 10-22: Kara Kahl Farm - Houston, MN
Sep 1-14: Northern Light Farm - Soloway, MN
Sep/Oct: Knotty Pine Farms - Maysville, Georgia
Nov-Dec: Sydney, Australia
Dec-Feb: Driving Creek Cafe - Coromandel, New Zealand
Mar-May: Bangalore, India

If you have any suggestions for stops/detours along the way they are most appreciated!

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