Monday, August 18, 2014

Job Change Update

Okay, so after having a discussion today with Scott, the owner of the company I work with, I will no longer be leaving my job. We talked through the tipping situation and I am now more comfortable with how everything is going to work out. There will be a follow-up conversation later this week but granted that goes well I will be staying at my current job until my parents arrive in November. I'm happy it's all working out in the end because I do really like that job.  That's all on that.

In other news, I had a customer come in today, soon after having this chat with Scott, who apparently hadn't been in in quite a while and was very happy to see me. (I honestly didn't remember her but I see 100+ people every day, I can't remember everyone, right?). Anyways, she told me how happy she was to still see me there and commented on the positive energy I bring to the restaurant. How nice to hear that after all this!

Okay, it's late here and I have nothing more to say tonight.


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