Thursday, June 4, 2015

Last Videos from Myanmar

Here are my last few videos from my trip to Myanamr:

Lunch in Nyuang Shwe (Cut Short by my Limited Camera Memory)

Nyuang Shew A.K.A. The Wild West

A Burmese Train

Goodbye Inle Lake

Goodbye Burma

As a side note, about half way through me trip I thought to myselft, "Wow, I haven't gotten sick yet, this is amazing!" Not I wanted to say something about it on my blog but I didn't want to jinx myself. In fact I never said anything about it out loud at all in efforts not to jinx myself. Either way, I got sick. My last day in Myanmar I felt very sick and on the flight back to Singapore I thought I was going to puke. Now I didn't, but throughout the entire night I had multiple episodes of the scoots. I stayed home from work yesterday to recover. It was the worst sick I have had been throughout SEA so that wasn't too bad. Either way, I am better now. Towards the end of my time in Myanmar all I could think about was how I wanted to move there, or a place similar, but when you aren't feeling well you are very happy to have a nice, first world country to go home to.

Okay, that's all for now.


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