Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Videos from Inle Lake Tour

Good Evening Everyeone!

Today I took a boat tour of Inle Lake. I took many photos, but because of the speed of the internet here in Myanmar have spent too much time uploading the videos and do not have any more energy to upload photos as well. Below are the links for my many videos from today.

And here is one photo I just have to share:

You learn about the Kayan people in school, but who could imagine they would ever see them in real life? Not me! But there they were at one of the stops on my boat trip, weaving scarfs. I picked up two - one for myself and one for my mother. I really do not like the idea of people as tourist attractions, it feels to me like a zoo, but with humans in it. But I just could not resist taking a photo to prove that I actually saw the ladies with the long knecks in real life! Anyways, that is all on that. Enjoy the videos below!


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