Sunday, July 20, 2014

Change of Plans

After having such a wonderful time in Morrinsville staying with Nigel, Vicki, Jordan, and Ashton, I have decided that I am going to leave Auckland earlier than planned and do some traveling and WWOOFing here in NZ before my parents arrive. I have e-mailed about 10 farms, heard back from a few, and hopefully over the next week or so I can get a good list of farms lined up and start setting dates. I will likely leave Auckland beginning to middle of September and travel for about 6 to 7 weeks after which I will meet my parents back here in Auckland before heading out on our great tour of NZ! I will keep you updated as my plans start to gel. In other news, nothing. Just been working since I got back from the farm - nothing exciting to speak of at all.

Oh wait, was listening to This American Life the other day and heard a story that made me laugh really hard. It was in an episode called "I Was So High" which talks about all the people who are high all the time. One of the stories is by a guy who describes the first time he used marijuana. Here's a link to the podcast:  The really funny story is in Act 3. Happy listening!


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