Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Car, My Car, My Car

I'm not sure the drama with my car will ever end!

Yesterday I went for coffee with a girl from work and on the way home I noticed my car was overheating - actual it was on "H". I had only driven a few K's, it was cold outside and rainy so I knew this wasn't good. I went immediately home where I then proceeded to call multiple mechanics in my area to ask about having them look at the car. They all mentioned the same thing - if I'd added water to my car recently. I was like "What? Added water to my car? What does that even mean?!" I can tell you that in the 7.5 years I drove in MN I never once remember anyone asking me/telling me about adding water to a car. One of the mechanics I spoke with, Ross, told me to bring my car in the morning and he'd be happy to look at it. Since I didn't know much about how to add water, however, and didn't want my car overheating on the 2 KM trip to the mechanics this morning, I talked with a few of the guys at work last night about how to add water to my car. Ben (UK), the chef I thought was so cute, walked me through where the radiator was and how to add water. After we had this brief chat I felt a small bit more confident about my ability to do this on my own.

This morning when I woke up I went out to my car with a Red Solo Cup worth of water, found my radiator, and added it. I then added another cup after talking with my father and being reassured I could not add too much water to my radiator. I then drove down to see Ross. He helped me immediately when I arrived at his shop, very nice, and talked to me a bit about the radiator, adding water, etc. When he first saw my radiator he made a comment about how it wasn't a standard radiator - so looks like someone may have installed a heavy duty radiator in my car at some point. Anyways, after added lots and lots of water he told me to drive it for a bit and monitor it and see how it goes. He did ask me if I had ever seen smoke come out of the car when I've started it. I actually have seen this happen once but didn't tell him because I'm too scared to know what that means (I did however look it up online after and it means either a head gasket or a cracked head - neither of which I understand, but I know a head gasket can be fixed but a cracked head would mean my car would have to be retired for good). Anyways, Ross did not see anything obviously wrong with the vehicle but did mention the possibility of a crack head, again telling me that it would mean my whole car would be a write-off. So I left the mechanic, somewhat hopefully but still terribly nervous. Today I drove around the city a bit, picking up friends, going for coffee, dropping them off, and it never got hot. I also monitored my car after I parked it and never saw water under my car after it had been parked somewhere for a bit so it doesn't appear, at least not at first glance, that there's a leak.

Fast forward to work this evening where I was able to speak with Eddy, one of my co-workers and the only one who I believe knows a bit about cars. I told him about the whole situation and he said it's probably fine. I mentioned to him that I had gotten my car serviced just a month and a half ago and that this was a bit concerning to my but he said it's very possible they didn't top up the radiator when it was serviced so I shouldn't put too much weight on that.

All in all, today I've learned a bit more about cars. I now know how to add water to my radiator, I know where my radiator is, I know not to add water when it's hot. This car is adding so much stress to my life, but by the time I leave NZ I will probably know all about how a vehicle works. Anyways, if I can get through this week without another problem I'll be pretty happy. I'm just going to need to remember to top up the water from time to time. I'm going to start carrying a few liters of water with me in my car at all times so I can top up before a big trip.

Okay, onto another car related mater that happened today - I got my first speeding ticket in NZ! I was pulled over for going 63 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. The police office was very nice, however, and gave me the smallest ticket possible. It will cost me $30 NZD (super cheap!) and get me 10 demerit points - if you get 200 points in 2 years you lose your license for 3 months. Good things I won't be here long enough for that to matter. Anyways, more car related excitement/drama.

Lastly, about the car, it has been storming quite heavily in Auckland tonight and I am somewhat worried about at tree or something falling on my car and me not having full coverage insurance. I currently have 3rd party, fire, and theft which means I am covered if I hit someone else's vehicle, if my car starts on fire or if it's stolen, but I am not covered for my car if it gets damaged. If I wake up tomorrow and my car is fine, I am going to get full coverage insurance, mostly because I really want the money for my car when I leave NZ and this way I know I'll get it, either by selling my car or if it gets damaged/destroyed from my insurance company.

Onto other news.... Tomorrow I am going to Waiheke island to spend the day with a customer at his vineyard. Waiheke Island is a big beautiful island in the Hauraki Gulf, a 30 minute ferry ride from Auckland. I have not been there yet and this seems like the perfect opportunity. He wants me to work at his vineyard, which I haven't committed to since I am likely leaving NZ in December, but my life is very flexible right now, I don't want to say a for sure "no" to anything before I suss it out. So that's my plan for tomorrow. I'll take photos and videos to share with you all.

Then, Friday I am going to The Rugby. Yay! More photos and videos then.

And then, Sunday-Wednesday I am going to a dairy farm about 2 hours from Auckland where the cows will be calving and I can learn to milk a cow. Back to farming, back to learning new skills, back to exciting videos!

Okay, it's just after midnight now here. I have to hang up my laundry and see if Elizabeth (Australia) is coming to pick me up for more dumplings.

We went out on Sunday night - Elizabeth (Australia), Adredna (Singapore), Sarah Mac (NZ), Me (America), Jan (?), Sunny (Korea), Elaine (?), Kyle (China) - and had the best experience yet at New Flavour. The food was the best we've ever had there, by far! And the company was amazing. We were celebrating Adrenda's last night in Auckland - and thus the last time many of us will see here - and had a total ball. We were laughing and tell stories for 2 hours and just had a great time! Plus it was like a mini UN having 8 people there from 8 different countries (I can't remember which countries Jan and Elaine are from but we are all from different places). What a change from MN where I'm lucky to hang out with people who didn't grow up in the Twin Cities. It's just so different here than it is in the Midwest.

Okay, these is so much more I could say but I'm just done writing for tonight.

Hope y'all are well and enjoying the summer weather back home. I am definitely jealous of how nice it is there right now since it's cold and rainy here now just about every day.


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