Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy 4th of July!!!

I can't believe it's my favorite holiday and I'm not home to celebrate it! It's probably beautiful weather back in MN, I'm sure you are all enjoying a wonderful 4 day weekend at the cabin, and I'm here in the middle of a rainy and cold NZ winter, working, living a boring and normal life, and sick. Yuck! Anyways, enough about that. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful fireworks show - send me a video if you can, I'd love to see it! - for those of you attending the Edina Parade enjoy it for me, and eat an extra hot dog for me as well. All my favorite things about America and I'm missing them all. I guess there's always 2018.

In other news, I am sick. No fun! I can't believe how many times I've been sick since I left America - like 4 or 5 already and I've only been gone 7 months. I rarely get sick at home but here, it's like every other month. Every at work is sick, however, so it must be going around. Julie (France) was out sick yesterday, Marijke (Holland) was sent home from work today because she was sick. Others are the same. I've drank 4 liters of orange juice in the last two days to try and help the situation - that's roughly a gallon - and I feel like I'm on the tail end of the cold. I had a sore throat the first two days but that's gone. Now I'm congested and have a runny nose but I think that's a good sign, my body is trying to rid me of the germs. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel even better.

On to tomorrow, I have my third (yes, third) date with Ross, the South African. I'm very excited. Last night we went for a wonderful dinner a place called Banque Oyster Bar in Remuera (kind of near where I used to live). The atmosphere was awesome, the food was stellar, the only down side was the waiter. He was very nice, but a little too on the ball with trying to get us to order. He wasn't reading that we were there to chat and get to know each other and not trying to rush through dinner. The restaurant wasn't ever full either so it's not like they needed our table. We did have the best one in the restaurant, however, right in front of the fireplace. So nice! Anyways, we had a tasty dinner, good company, it was really nice. He's just so normal and good looking. How nice! I think he's gonna pick me up tomorrow night for another date but I'm working and not sure how early I'll be getting off. Hopefully before 11, as I'd hate for him to have to wait around his entire Friday night for me. Then, we have a date planned for next Friday night. We're going to watch the rugby. (Yes, it's "the rugby" not "rugby." It sounds very weird to me. It would be like saying "We're going to watch the football this weekend." Just want to remember that they do this with "the rugby" and "the cricket".) Anyways, there's a game at Eden Park, The Blues are playing, so we're going to go see that. After the schedule if finalized tomorrow we'll buy tickets.

Okay, that's all for now. I need to get some sleep so I can try to continue recovering from this cold, plus I want to be well rested for my date tomorrow night!! AHHHH!!!


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