Wednesday, May 27, 2015

On My Way to Myanmar

I am currently sitting at Changi airport in Singapore waiting for my flight to Myanmar. As I've been sitting here waiting I just booking my flight to go back to HK in June for 3 nights this time and I'm going to make a day trip to Macau. Already looking forward to it!

So to give you a bit of insight into my life these days, it consists of three things: working, planning my next vacation, and going on vacatoin. I have just the most fabulous life. (If you want to hear me talk more about how fabulous my life is, feel free to watch the video here.) I cannot believe how lucky I am to be living here, in Singapore, in the middle of Asia, at a job I enjoy most of the time, and with the time and resources to go on holidays on a regular basis. Hong Kong last week. Myanmar today. Back to Hong Kong (and also Macau) in just a few weeks. In July I am going to try to get another three days in a row to go to Taiwan. When I am not traveling, I am running here in there preparing (the money changer, getting laundy done, buying whatever I need, processing visas) or spending my time on-line doing research on what to do or where to go or whatnot. I think I am going to get addicted to this sort of life - high intensity, coming, going, here, there, everywhere! I love the thrill of having an idea, doing the resarch, seeing what I can find, planning, researching, deciding, researching, planning, over and over again, booking the flights, booking the hotels, not knowing what is ever really going to happen, and then seeing it through! It's just great.

All that said, Myanmar is going to be the biggest adventure of my trip so far. I have no idea what to expect. I have booked all my internal transportation and accomodations, but I don't really have any idea what I'm getting myself into. I don't know what I am going to be doing during the day, what the food is like, what the country is like at all. This is the most "out-there" trip I have gone in yet to date in my life. And I'm excited to see what happens. Now, I must be off to get ready for my flight and get to my gate. Wish me luck, and I'll post as many videos as possible while I'm away - depending on Internet speeds - and whatever else when I get back to Singapore next week.


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