Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yangon Day 1

So I am lying in bed right now writing this post and I am extremely tired. But, I just want to make sure I get a few videos up before I totally pass out for the evening.

I have not sletp much - just a couple of hours on my flight and another 2 at my hotel. I have been out sightseeing all day and then ended up out to dinner with 2 people who work for the UN and then for after dinner drinks with one of them and his local Subcontinent friends. (Subcontient apparently refers to India and Pakistan - I just learned this tonight.) I am super, super tired now but to sum up the day: AMAZING! I really just do not know how I could be so lucky that my life has led me to this point. I am here, in Myanmar, on holiday and it is totally fabulous. It really has been occuring to me recently how amazing my life is and I'm just trying to soak it all in. I know that it is due to a my hard work, decisions, and courage, but there must be some bit of luck in there as well and man, I am lucky! 

Okay, enough of that. Here's the video's from today:

And just as I am now thinking of going to sleep there is a baby (well at least I think it's a human baby, could be some baby animal) crying outside of my room, somewhere in the street, very loudly. Weird! I'm so tired, however, I'm sure I will still get to sleep just fine.


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