Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yangon Day 2

So today is my second and last day in Yangon. I spent the morning eating breakfast with a German American, Elisabeth, who lives in Michigan and teaches at a community college. Every summer, a week after school lets out, she packs her bag and heads out to see the world, one country at a time. She is here in Myanmar for 6 weeks - what a life! I then went into town and just wandered around, eating street food, drinking smoothies and coffees and juices, and soaking in the sights and sounds of Yangon. I am now back at my guesthouse for a shower and a quick rest before I take the overnight bus to Bagan. Here's one video from today. When I watch it the quality is really bad but I think that may be due to my internet connection here. Hope it isn't so bad for you guys.

I'll try to get photos up in the next few days.


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