Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Photos from the Abel Tasman

Okay, so here are some photos from the kayaking trip in the Abel Tasman.

Start on the day, waiting to board the water taxi just behind us.

In the water taxi, on the water, off loading some other people on another beach.

Little blue penguins. As our water taxi driver said, "They are called little blue penguins because they are little, blue, and penguins."

Dad, out on the water.

 A little birdy nesting on the rocks. Well it wasn't so little.

And again.



Out on the water.

Can you spot the seal?

The group on the water.

A seagull and a pile of rocks. This pile of rocks happens to be on top of a very large round rock sitting a few meters off shore. Not sure how someone got out there to stack those rocks. Unless, of course, it was the bird.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Heading into the beautiful National Geographic center of the Abel Tasman.


2 Seals.

Here you actually have a point of reference for just how close the seals were to our kayak.

My dad wearing his kayaking skirt. Looking good, isn't he?

My father, Alan, and I. Alan is from Tasmanian and my father wanted a photo as proof he finally met a real tasmanian.

On shore while eating lunch at Onetahuti beach. At this point we have finished our kayaking and will soon be heading out for our walk.

Looking over into the Tasman Bay from the track in the Abel Tasman.

Looking over Onetahuti Beach.

Onetahuti. We kayaked around that point there.

Beautiful foliage.

And again.

Tasman Bay.

Looking down on the members of our group that did the full day kayak, not the half day.

Looking over Tonga Beach (I think that's what it is called...)

More foliage.


All this way to the other side of the world where it looks so different and here are some dandelions, just like at home.

Can you find the plumber?

Here he is! See all that black stuff in the photo? That's a black fungus that grows on some of the trees here in NZ.

Pretty, isn't it? The lighter colored leaves are something growing off the other plant.

And a close up.

Looking out to sea from the suspension bridge behind Bark Bay.

And again.

And again.

A beautiful crab. I picked up the shell/his house and found him inside. 

The following photos were taken by my father on his iPhone.

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