Monday, February 2, 2015

Cambodia is Amazing!

My flight landed only 3 hours ago and I am already in love. For this trip I hired a driver/tour guide (a recommendation from an old work colleague) and he was waiting for me at the airport. I was one fo the first through customs since I was at the front of the plane and within an hour I had landed, gone through customs, checked-in at my hotel, and was off to my first activity - a silk farm/workshop. The place was amazing. I had an hour long, private tour (for the cost of a USD$2.50 tip) and took tons of notes and photos of which I will make amore thorough blog post this evening. Then back to the hotel, took a quick swim, and am now about to head into town for a late lunch/early dinner. I really can't believe how awesome this trip has been so far. And to have a driver/tour guide to whom I can ask all the questions I always have about a place is totally invaluable. I think this will be my new method of travel. I asked all about the local industry, education system, health care, housing, etc... I love learning all that and you can't always find someone to ask. I have someone I can ask every question I want for the next 3 days. I am loving this trip so far, only 3 hours in. I am so happy to be here and I imagine I will be coming back again soon. And if not soon, definitely when my parents come.

Off to eat now - longer post to come this evening.


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