Monday, February 2, 2015

I can't recognize an American accent.

Saturday night we went to an outdoor movie playing at the National Museum of Singapore. The movie was super weird - some 1970's french film about the Bourgeoisie. We were sitting on the sidewalk next to another group of people that included this one white guy. I was convinced English was his second language. Everyone else I was with (Elizabeth from Australia, Richard from NZ, and Johnny from England) were all convinced he was from America. Richard kept telling me that all Americans talk that slow. I seriously could not believe English was his first language and in an order to prove everyone else wrong I asked him and it turns out he was from Atlanta. I seriously have never heard anyone talk in such a slow and labored way before. It was like he was trying to consciously think of making every sounds he needed to make to form the words he wanted to say. I spent a month outside Atlanta before I left the states and I don't remember people talking like that. I guess I just don't know all my American accents as well as I should.

In other news, I am sitting in the Singapore airport right now waiting to board my flight to KL and then onto Siem Reap, Cambodia. I will be there until Thursday afternoon at which time I will be flying back to Singapore and hopefully back to a job.

On the job front there is news as well. Since I am spending all this time waiting on place #3, I decided to at least send out a few more resumes to see if I can get a job somewhere else. An italian place got back to me and I went in yesterday to meet with the GM. Shortest interview ever - and strangest. We talked for maybe 5 minutes, at least half of which was spent on my trip to Cambodia and my housing situation in Singapore. He said they can likely find a job for me in even coordination across their 4 restaurants. This is the second place that has wanted me to work events - it must be a sign. So I'm meeting with the owner after I get back to Singapore and then hopefully I'll get a job offer there. I would still like to work at place #3 but I can't wait around forever. I just want something to work out so I can get a place to live, join a kickboxing gym, start coming up with a routine, learning whatever neighborhood I will eventually live in, etc...

Okay, time to go through security now. They do security at each individual gate, not to enter the airport. Time to go now. Best!

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