Monday, February 9, 2015


Back in December I read a book, The Happiness of Pursuit, and after reading that I decided to set out on a quest. I'm doing this both to give my travel some boundaries and also so I know when I'll be done traveling. It will also force me to continue to drive to make this trip (my life) better and more difficult all at the same time. 

The quest I have decided on is to live on every continent for at least one year and to return to the states in roughly 10 years. Today I was having a chat to Elizabeth about this, predicting what that will look like, and want to document my prediction so I can see how it actually pans out against my best guess as of today.

Here's where I think I will live on each continent, what I will have for a job, and they are listed in order:

Asia: Singapore - Restaurant
Middle East: Dubai - Emirates Air (I realize this isn't a continent but I can't just skip over this part of the world. I also do not plan to live on Antarctica so I'm substituting)
Europe: Paris - unknown job
Africa: Tanzania - work and live on a game reserve
South America: live/work in southern Argentina wine country
North America: Cuba
Then one+ year in NYC to top it off

There will also be lots of travel to other countries while I live in these places. I may also go back to Australia for a year before I'm 30 because you can make great money there. 

That's my prediction, now let's see how it works out!!! 

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