Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I can't believe I'm living in Singapore

At least once a day for the last few days, especially since Elizabeth left, I have had moments where in walking down the street, or have a free moment at work, or, like right now, enjoying a coffee outside here in Singapore and cannot believe that in actually here. Singapore as a destination only popped onto my radar about a year ago, and at that time only as a stop over between Auckland and Bangalore, and now I'm living and working here. This is something I really never could have imagined. From growing up in the Midwest to living in one of the most forward thinking and moving countries in Asia. 2 months ago I knew almost behind about Singapore at all and now I live here. It's just crazy! Every day I'm learning more about the country, it's customs, it's people, making more connections with people who live all around the world. It is just very hard to believe and I'm trying to appreciate every moment. Even being at work here is like being at work in NZ - I'm working with people from all over the world together here in Singapore. I don't think any of us ever could have imagined this! And isn't that just what is so great about life? You can't even begin to imagine all the amazing places you will end up. You just have to trust that it will work out as it is supposed to. And I am learning this lesson again and again every day. I am also learning to have more patience with myself as with every new situation I have to deal with all sorts of new and unfamiliar circumstances. And every time I just need to be patient with the situation, and myself, and trust that it is all going to be okay. Man, have I learned just so much in these last 15 months that I have been away from the states. What else am I going to learn about life in the years to come? 

Side note - the morning of the day Elizabeth left we had coffee with a guy who grew up in Orono. Yes, Orono, MN. And we had coffee here in Singapore. The man, Don, graduated high school in 1974 and has been traveling and living around the world since the early 1980s in places such as Saudi Arabi, Nigeria, Colombia, Indonesia, and India. He was definitely one of the most interesting people we've met so far. He was also one of the most inspiring as well in the sense of how he approaches the world and the people he meets in it. Don had such a calm outlook on life - that what will be will be, you must accept what life had so you and make the best of it, that you should out your best effort in but life will go its course anyways, and to always be open to new experiences. He also believes that "networking" (as the business world calls it) is not a matter of meeting people to see what they can later do for you, but as a way to make friends that you can help out later down the road. He is maybe the only person I have ever heard describe networking as a way of helping others and expanding our friend group, not as a way of helping yourself and expanding the network of people you can call on when you need something. I hope that one day, when I have the ability to help others, that I will have an attitude like his. And lastly, and this is siem thing Elizabeth picked up on, Don recognized and acknowledged how different travel can be for a woman vs. a man on this world and how refreshing to hear that from a man. Being alone in a foreign country can be very scary for anyone, but the fact that he recognized the added issues women face was really nice. He never once challenges us because we said we didn't feel safe somewhere. That was so nice to hear. We really enjoyed meeting Don ad spending our morning with him. And how cool that he's from Orono, right?! 

Okay, now I must run. What was supposed to be a short blog post that I was writing on my phone has turned much longer. And since im typing on my phone has taken quite a while and I'm are is full of mistakes - please excuse them. I'm off to do some shopping now, a quick workout, a Skype call to Elizabeth back in Holland, and then work. Have a great day and a happy Chinese New Year! Best! 


The view from chair.

The essentials. Note the book, it's fabulous. Pick it up and read it ASAP! 

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