Sunday, February 15, 2015

My New Job

So I have now worked 6 days at my new job, almost a full working week, and it has been a week of highs and lows. Monday, my first day, was hard since I didn't know what to do. I hate being at work when I don't have anything/know what to do becuase you feel like you're not helping and just in the way. Tuesday I had a small section but it wasn't that busy and I still didn't really know what was going on. Wednesday and Thursday I started to feel like I had a good handle on my section, was able to help people, and I made lots of friends. Then came Friday.

Friday was terrible! I had way more customer than I could handle, I didn't know the system well enough to have this many people in my section, and for a good 2 or 3 hours I was completely overwhelmed! I was very unhappy with my performance, with the flow of things, but after we were finished I talked with my boss and apparently it was a great improvement on the week before so he was in no way unhappy with me. The bar has only been open 4 months and they have gotten much busier much faster than they could have imagined and thus are still training most of the staff. I still am not happy with my performance on Friday, but I am happy my boss was not extremely unhappy with my performance.

And then last night, Saturday, I had a great night. I had the back patio to myself while there was an event on the front patio. I had lots of great customer, no real problems to speak of, a personal drinks/food runner and busser which really helped, and I made a few big tips. Great night!

Overall I am happy with the new job. The crew is cool, I'm enjoying the job, it is outside, in the great weather, with a fabulous view of the city, I really can't complain. Welcome to Singapore!

Unrelated: Elizabeth went to Holland yesterday for good. I'm very sad, I am now here alone in Singaproe. Well, not totally alone, but it is so weird not having her with me anymore. I cam home from work yesterday and she wasn't here. It was really sad.

That's all for now. It is finally my day off, it is a beautiful day in Singapore, and I'm off to enjoy!

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