Friday, November 29, 2013

A few new Australian foods...

So today was rainy and cold. I was going to go to the botanical gardens but the weather just wasn't right. Instead I went to the mall to finally get a cell phone as well as a new bathing suit. In the afternoon I went to the little corner cafe, Organic Republic Bakery, to read my book and relax. At the cafe I tried two new foods, a meat pie (see photo below) and vegemite. The meat pie was very tasty. The pastry crust was just delicious and the filling, beef and mushroom, was nice and savory. I had the vegemite on bread with butter. There was only a bit of vegemite on the bread and it mostly tasted salty. It wasn't bad but I don't foresee myself ever wanting to eat it again. That's all for now folks. Later!

I also had a cappuccino at the cafe today as well. The photo below is from a few days ago but the same drink. Doesn't it look so cute?!?!

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