Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone back in America! Kelsey, Phil and I just got done eating the thanksgiving feast we cooked for their family and friends. It was quite a treat putting on this traditional American meal for the Australians. They were all very excited to eat the meal and thoroughly enjoyed everything we made. I go lots of compliments on the three dished I made - the sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pecan pie - so that made me happy! I also carved the turkey, a skill I never new I had. Click here for a video tour of the meal.

Here's a few photos of the group:

Clockwise from bottom left: Kelsey, Phil, Andrew (Phil's cousin), Rose (Phil's sister), Anthony (friend),  Cheryl (friend), Patrick (Phil's brother), Popy (friend), Bec (Marc's fiance), Mark (Phil's cousin and Andy's brother). 

I'm in this photo instead of Rose.

That's all for tonight. I'm trying to get my cell phone figured out right now and I'm very confused. Plus it's almost midnight here and I've had a long day.


P.S. I added a feature to my blog so you can receive updates via e-mail when I post. Super convenient, right? Sign up towards the top of the blog and let me know if you have any questions!

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