Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Beach, Beach, and more Beach!

So today Adam took me on a tour of a few Sydney beaches. We went to Bondi Beach, Watson's Bay, and Coogee Beach. Before hand we got coffee at Le Paris cafe in Bondi. I had a cappuccino, which here in Australia comes with chocolate on top, see below Delicious!

Here's a few video links:

Bondi Beach

Watson's Bay

Here is a photo of Watson's Bay:

Watson's Bay is on the Sydney Harbor. Just behind Watson's Bay is The Gap which over looks the Pacific Ocean. Interesting but sad fact: The Gap is the number one place in Australia for committing suicide. Here's a few photos of that:

Below is a photo of the view of the city from The Gap with Watson's Bay in the forefront. Click here for a video panorama of the view.

No pictures form Coogee, sorry. Another time.

Anyways, we're off to the final show of the comedy competition soon to cheer on Jodi, our friend, who won in the semi-finals last week. Wish her luck!


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