Friday, October 17, 2014

NZ meet MN.

This post was supposed to go up three days ago but apparently didn't. Here it is now:

So one of the girls I lived with in the coromandel last summer, Alanna, is currently staying with my parents in Minneapolis. Here's a few photos of then down at the rose gardens on Lake Harriet:

Alanna and my mother.

Alanna and my father. 

It's so weird that she's in MN with my parents and I'm here in NZ. It's really cool though that my life from all corners of the globe is starting to come together. Hopefully this is just the first of many people I can send to MN from all reaches of the earth. If you're around Edina and would like to meet Alanna feel free to stop by. She's already met some of my extended family, neighbors, etc. She's completely replaced me as parent's daughter. I'm not sure they're even coming to NZ anymore now that they have a complete family back in MN now. Haha, just kidding!

Anyways, now I'm really off to work. 


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