Friday, October 3, 2014

Photos will my friends

The above photo is from Jonathan's last night in Auckland before his one month trip back to visit family and friends in France, where he's from. The people in the photo all work at my company, either at my restaurant or others near by. From bottom left and going clockwise they are: Marijke (Holland), Perry (New Zealand), Elizabeth (Australia), unknown, Guillaume (France), Coralie (France - Guillaume's girlfriend), Ali (Australia), Jonathan (France), Sarah (New Zealand), me.

This photo here is from Evie and Mark's going away party. Evie is now working on a Super Yacht in Spain, on it's way to the Carribean for the winter. Mark is now teaching English in Beijing.  In the same fashion as the other photo I will start in the bottom left corner and go clockwise. Once again, I work will all of these people. Edy (New Zealand), Perry (NZ), Jen (Scotland), Ana (Peru - I'm going to Samoa with Ana), Sarah (NZ), me, Mark (UK), Evie (UK - Ireland), Julie (France/Morocco), Roma (France).

This photo was taken at Muriwai a beach in West Auckland. This was on Evie's last full day in Auckland. The people in the photo are, L to R, Sarah (NZ), Ana (Peru - my Samoa travel partner) Evie (UK), me, Elizabeth (Australia - my Asia travel partner).

Me and Evie

This is to show you that I still look mostly the same.

I will try to get some photos out of Ben (NZ) soon from our adventures these last few weeks and then I'll get even more recent photos up here for you to see.

I got a new battery for my camera today as well and it looks like we're back in action with that. More fun to come!


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