Monday, October 13, 2014


In no particular order here are some photos from the last few weeks of adventures around Auckland:

From OCTOBER 2, 2014:

Ben (NZ), Elizabeth(Aussie), and I at Bethel's Beach. This is the first of many "family photos to come". We now consider ourselves a family since we will likely be spending X-mas together this year, away from our families, and will be all we have for the holidays. So here's the beginning of many great family memories to come :)

That jet black sand of Bethel's Beach! Amazing isn't it?!? Oh, and those are mine and Ben's feet. Guess whose are which!

You can't see too well, but in this photo here I am showing ben a metaphor for my heart. In my right hand are broken shell pieces (how my heart will look if ben doesn't come to Asia with Elizabeth and I) and in my left hand is a nice full shell (how my heart will be whole if he does). He felt quite guilty after I showed him this - obviously it worked!

Me running in the Tazman Sea on the beach at Hamilton's Gap, the black sand beach. So beautiful, this photo doesn't begin to capture it.

Ben and Elizabeth on the beach at Hamilton's Gap.

Elizabeth at Hamilton's Gap.

Family photo at Manukau Heads Lighthouse.

Elizabeth and I at Manukau Heads Lighthouse. We weren't actually allowed to be where we are standing in this photo, but oh well. Life is short, YOLO!

From some date back in SEPTEMBER, 2014:

Me and Elizabeth at Bethel's Beach.

And again.

Elizabeth and I maneuvering the sand dunes at Bethel's Beach.

From OCTOBER 9, 2014:

Elizabeth and I visiting Stu and his wild pigs on the 309 Road in Coromandel. 

Ben with a 2 week old wild pig.

Family photo at Cathedral Cove.

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