Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Two weeks from today and I'm done!

Two weeks from today will be my last shift at ortolana. How crazy! I can't believe it'll be over so soon. I didn't think I'd be here this long, couldn't imagine it, but now it's happened, and now it's almost over. Crazy, crazy! Now that the job is coming to an end almost nothing bothers me at work anymore, at least in relation to co-worker drama and stuff. Everything pretty much just rolls off my back now. Maybe I can bring this attitude to my next job as well. I still do a great job with my customers, but don't hither getting caught up in any disagreements or drama situations. It's actually quite nice :) 

I have recently asked my co-workers if they're all just going to forget about me once I leave. They said they won't but I don't believe them. Pretty soon I'll just be that old co-worked named Amanda or Abigail or something from Canada. Haha, well I hope not. I know at least some of them will remember me. I'm going to try to leave some legacy, hopefully I'll come up with something soon. 

In other news, dropped my passport off just now at the American consulate to get extra pages added. I'm running out of totally blank pages and many places in Asia put an adhesive visa into your passport so I need extra space. I'm thinking this passport in currently traveling on will end up being the coolest one of my life. Hopefully not, hopefully my traveling will even get more frequent and more exciting as I get older but I'm not counting on it. Anyways, off to work now. Chat soon!

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