Tuesday, January 6, 2015


As you all know, I was up late last night writing my blog post for yesterday. Despite the fact that I likely didn't fall asleep until 2 am, I still woke up around 8:30. 6.5 hours of sleep is definitely not enough for me!

I decided to head to Chinatown today, walking. Well although this got me some great exercise - I'm sure I walked about 10 kms today - or likely more. My legs are absolutely exhausted, as am I.

And to top it all off, Bangkok was no less overwhelming today than it was yesterday. Although I am finding the area near our hotel less and less overwhelming, as I'm getting more and more used to it, the rest of Bangkok is still crazy. Chinatown has so many people in it, so many markets, and on my walk there I was getting more attention that I wanted - I walked through a few neighborhoods where I'm guessing white people don't tend to go as often... After wandering Chinatown for a few minutes, lost, confused, and totally exhausted, I finally sought shelter in a Starbucks where I could finally get my bearings. I headed back out, more calm now and more ready to take in the sights, and wandered the markets for a while. I didn't find anything worth buying. After my time in Chinatown I caved and took the metro back. I just couldn't walk any longer.

Once I got off the metro, still half a kilometer or more from the hotel, I wandered the markets there looking for some new clothes. I couldn't find what I was looking for and finally retired to the hotel in exhaustion where I got in a great nap.

This evening Elizabeth and I ventured back out and I did find a couple of dressed I liked for THB$320. More than I wanted to spent but in reality it's still only USD$9.72. But when you hand someone $320 it just seems like so much money! Plus since you can't try them on you just have trust. I go them home and after some work I think they will both be good - I'll make them work.

A few side comments before I hit the hay:

- I had my first person ask me for directions yesterday, only about 26 hours after I got to Bangkok! She asked if I lived here and I of course said no but helped her anyways. I always love the first time someone asks if you are a local, such a good feeling.

- The consumerism as I have seen it in Bangkok is on a level I cannot even believe exists. They have street markets everywhere  - in every neighborhood I've been to so far - and by 9 am this morning when I set out for the day, the markets were open and packed. People were shopping for clothes, shoes, jewelry, whatever, before work! And then they go strong, really strong, all day and then into the evening. I seriously can't believe people can buy this much stuff all the time. Where do they even put it all? They must all have personal walk-in closets to hold all the stuff they own. (Of course they don't but it just feels like people here never stop buying things!).

Okay, time for bed now.


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