Friday, January 30, 2015

Mustafa Center

So I just got back from the Mustafa Center - the best store in the entire world - and I want to have the opportunity to stay in Singapore more than ever. For a bit about the Mustafa Center - it is basically every store you have ever been in, all in one, and it's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Now I'll use the grocery store part of the store just as an example as to what the entire store is like. In the grocery store part of the Mustafa Center there are at least 5 aisles dedicated just to chocolate bars. Now think about how much space chocolate bars would have in a normal grocery store - 1/2 an aisles, maybe. So we're talking like 10 X the normal amount of chocolate. Now multiply that times everything you would find in a normal grocery store and you have the mustafa center. And that is just the grocery store part. They sell everything there - what you would at Target, what you would find at Sears, what you would find in the make-up/perfume area of a department store, and I'm sure much more. I haven't explored the entire Mustafa Center yet, only a few areas of a few floors. And, to top it all off, you can buy anything you want there any time of the day or night. Which would be perfect if you want to get something after getting off a late shift, or need something early in the morning (we have done both of these already and it is so convenient!). This is now my main reason for wanting to stay in Singapore. :)

One other reason is so that I can train for Muay Thai fighting. I have been to two Muay Thai classes in the last week here in Singapore and love it! It is everything you want in a workout all in one. Cardio - since you never stop moving for the entire class - weights - since you have to use all your muscles to punch, kick, or resist your partner's punches and kicks - and you leave feeling so full of energy and so exhausted all at the same time. The club is expensive, but it's unlimited access to classes and they have times that would be right before my job if I worked at place #3 which would be perfect. It would also compliment my prison fit very nicely.

That's all for now. Two more reasons to stay here in Singapore. I'm keep my attitude positive, hope for the best, and keep finding reasons to stay here in Singapore.


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