Friday, January 9, 2015

I just don't have time

I may have set myself up with too many goals for this next year. Between exercising, reading, blogging, and traveling - along with just trying to enjoy my time, go out and do things, and get enough sleep - I just don't always have enough time (or really energy) to get everything done and some things just end up sliding. And these last few days it has been the blog. I've found a couple of great shows on netflix that I've been enjoying - and since I rarely watch tv anymore this has been great. I also have been doing more exploring of the city than I was back in Penang so generally more busy that way. And, I'm really getting into my reading and exercise routines. I guess I'm really just still learning, as I likely will be my whole life, what I have time for, what I don't, and what I care to put time into, and these last few days the blog just hasn't been one of the things I've cared to do. I'm sorry if you've been looking forward to a great post and haven't gotten one, I've been too busy watching prison shows. I've also been doing my bodyweight exercises, shopping for very cheap clothes, eating fried rice for every meal, getting about 7-10 servings of fruits and veggies every day, trying not to get run over by a car or motorcycle or store, all while trying to just get out and be in this crazy city. 

A few quick notes: ran into the first person I know today, Sarah Allen, a girl I worked with back in NZ. I'm surprised it took this long but Bangkok felt like the most logical place. Ran into her in the bathroom at the central world mall. Crazy!

On my second day here I had the first person mistake me for a local - always cool!

I don't think I wrote about the fact that I used my first squat toilet ever on the trip from Hat Yai up to Bangkok. It's basically what it sounds like, a hole in the floor you squat over. I was very nervous and for good reason, I ended up peeing on my foot! Everyone told be it'd be find but I doubted them and my worries came true. Good thing the bathrooms are more like wet rooms here, so I just washed off my foot in there with the bucket of extra water you use to "flush" the toilet. 

What else.... 

Probably will be temple day tomorrow. 

Yesterday I went to the museum but was so hot and tired I only looked at a few things before giving up and going home. 

Today didn't do much. Went to a nice western cafe this morning where we met an Irish guy we didn't really like - kind of rude and really opinionated, in a rude way. Then bought my Thailand book this afternoon and then did some good people watching this evening. 3 mesls of fried rice, 7 servings of fruits and veggies - maybe more, pull and core exercises. 

That's all now, good night! 

1 comment:

  1. Great to read all your news:) we have had a lovely & busy time with 6 extra staying for 3 weeks : have to tell you I turned the big pot of sweet mixture into truffles which went down a treat :)
