Tuesday, June 17, 2014

All Moved In :)

I'm all moved in to my new place! Yay! I've started to figure out the buses - I think relearning the buses is the most stressful part about moving - and  feel comfortable with that. The ladies I'm living with - Marissa (Washington State), Plaxi (UK), Mandy (NZ) - are all really nice. We had an afternoon wine on Sunday right after I got my stuff put away. I don't think I'll be seeing much of them, however, since we are on opposite schedules. I have been spending a bit of time with Marissa these last few days, however, as she's home from work following a knee surgery. Besides the move, nothing too exciting going on here. Sunday and Monday night I worked. Monday night (last night) we did our usual Monday night routine, Hospo night at BCC followed by dancing and drinking at Danny Doolans. It's really funny, the last two times we've gone to Danny Doolans my favorite song (Summer of '69) has come on almost immediately after I've arrived. It's so American, I just love it!

Last night I met a guy from Crystal, MN. How funny is that?! My aunt and uncle live in Crystal - what a coincidence. I also had a bit too much to drink last night and spent my entire day recovering. I really don't like to think of myself as a big drinking but Auckland has started turning me into one. There really isn't much else to do here so now I find myself going out maybe 3-4 nights a week. I usually only have a beer or two but Monday night's my big night and last night I went all out. Had a blast though!

Trying to think of something else.... I went out to dinner with Marijke (Holland) this evening at a great Malaysian place in Newmarket called Selera. Had a nice relaxing evening after our big night out last night.

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Ana (Peru) for lunch at BCC. They just opened a new burger joint there so we're going to try it out. Following that we're doing a wine tasting at work. I'm not so excited about that, not after all the drinks I had last night. I can't really even think about alcohol right now. I'm sure by tomorrow, however, I'll be feeling just fine. The plan is then to go out for a big dinner on the North Shore but I'm just not in the mood to spend a bunch of money on dinner. Marijke agrees with me so we're going to try and convince Jonathan to go somewhere else instead. Tonight we had a great chat over a cheap meal, no reason we can't all do that together tomorrow as well.

Anyways, I'm off now - time to watch some more House and solve maybe my 9th medical mystery of the day, work a bit on the scarf I'm knitting, and then bed.

Oh, I got to Skype today with Alanna (Canada). Looks like we're on for Asia next year! Yay! Meet in Bangkok in February, get visas sorted for all of SE Asia, spend a bit of time in Thailand, and then rent/buy motorcycles and tour the region! How much fun would that be?!

Okay, that's all for tonight folks.


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