Friday, June 27, 2014


I got Tinder!

I'm not sure if people are using it back in the States much but they do here and I have it! If you don't know what tinder is it's an app where you get to see pictures of people near you and decide if you like them or not. If you like them, swipe right. If you don't, swipe left.  If you like them and they like you you're matched and can start chatting. If either one of you does not like the other you won't get matched. It's pretty much like but on a very limited scale - a few photos, maybe a bit of information, mostly just photos, names, and ages. I think about half the people use it just for sex but not everyone does. And good thing many of them are open about that, I can just swipe left for all of them. There are normal people on it though. Case in point: One of the girls I work with met her boyfriend on tinder. And I'm normal, or at least relatively normal, and I'm on it so that means other normal people are too.

Anyways, I'm on it, I love it, and I'm going to try to start going on as many tinder dates as I can each week. So far I'm up to like 65 matches - I can't possibly go on that many dates, and some of them have turned out to be duds, but I can probably get 3-5 dates a week from this! Bring it on! I'll keep you all posted on how it goes! Wish me luck!


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