Friday, June 6, 2014

I did it!

I gave the chef my number and he seemed quite receptive!

So here's the story - last night (Thursday night) I went into town to meet up with some of my coworkers once they got off. Ben (the cute one) was working when I got there and I invited him along - along with the other chefs. He came and while we were sitting around talking we got on the subject of how long everyone had been with their current girlfriend - great conversation for me since I would for sure get the details now! He said he had broken up with his gf (the girl from The Store) 2 days before. Perfect news for me! He also said he's going back to the UK in like 6 weeks so I just knew I had to make my move. Later that night when we were at the club I went to the bar to buy a drink at the same time as him and just gave him my number, told him to call me if he likes. I'm thinking I might just hear from him sometime - or maybe grab a drink with him one night after work again.... Either way, I'm very happy that I went for it. And if nothing comes of it and it somehow becomes awkward at work, we will only both be there for maybe 6 more weeks so no real harm done!

Anyways, yesterday was a very eventful day for me. Here's how it unfolded:

I got up and spent some time lounging around the house and getting ready for my big lunch out with Jonathan (France) and Marijke (Holland). We were meeting at Baduzzi for a nice lunch on our collective day off together. It was once again a great winter day, we were able to sit in the sun and enjoy a long lunch, like we are so used to watching other people do. After that we went into the city for a bit to go to the surprise baby shower of Natasha (the GM of all the Hipgroup Britomart sites). I stayed for maybe 45 minutes but after our big lunch was not in the mood to eat anything else and also needed to get home to get ready for my movie and dinner plans with Tom. So I met Tom at the dumpling place a bit after 7 where we shared some laughs and some dumplings. We then rushed to the theater to see the new X-Men movie. Tom really wanted to see it, I didn't but figured I should just go. Tom didn't realize I hadn't seen any of the other X-Men movies before but I still go the gist. And it actually turned out to be quite a nice film. On my way home I got a text from a coworker saying they were all at BCC so I decided to go into town to meet them. This is where I ran into Ben, invited him along. We went to BCC for a couple of drinks, then to Racket, and then to Flight Lounge. Since I was driving I didn't have much to drink. I ended up leaving a bit after 3 and gave Ben (and his bike a ride home). I then spent the night at a co-workers house and didn't get much quality sleep. VERY tired today - as were most of the people working since we were all out together last night. Work wasn't all the fun today, but it was worth it since we had so much fun last night.

Anyways, I really need to get some sleep now.

Chat later!


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