Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chest X-Ray

It's been a crazy few days getting my chest X-ray done and the paperwork filled out. Let's just say a few of the more stressful days of my life. I finally got it in the mail yesterday around noon and now it's out of my hands. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that everything was done correctly and New Zealand approves my application. 

In other news, I went zip lining this morning at Northeast Georgia Canopy Tours. It was much more fun that I though it would be. I didn't think it wouldn't be fun, I thought I'd be too scarred to enjoy myself but I did okay. The course included probably 10 zip lines, 2 suspension bridges (see below) and a 40 ft repel. The repel was definitely the most stressful part but I survived. I would've taken more pictures but it's hard to snap photos and not die at the same time. They took a few for us but they were $10/photo so I didn't buy any. 

Right now I'm just laying around watching the Georgia v. Vanderbilt game (obviously in cheering for Georgia ;) ).

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