Friday, October 25, 2013

New Hampshire and New Zealand, here I come!

So I'm on my way up New Hampshire right now, currently stopped at the 1-84 Diner waiting for my egg salad sandwich. Yesterday I left Georgia and drove through 7 states: Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, ending in Pennsylvania. Today I left Pennsylvania, I'm in New York, and will finish off my drive by passing through Connecticut, Massachusetts, and finally New Hampshire. Long drive, lots of states, but beautiful fall colors everywhere I go. 

Last night I spent at my cousin's outside Harrisburg, PA. They do foster care and have 6 kids living there currently plus 2 dogs and 5 cats. It was crazy, but really fun! 

In other news, I heard back from New Zealand late last night and visa approved! Yay! 

Okay, meal just arrived, time to eat. Later! 

1 comment:

  1. Annabelle,
    I was just now catching up on your travels. I was surprised to see the goat pictures. I really like the one of Aanyx and a Togg resting their heads on each other. Where are you has been three weeks since your last post.
