Saturday, October 12, 2013

Continued Visa Problems, Government Shutdown Problems

So later in the day yesterday I got an email from New Zealand telling me they need my chest x-ray results in 15 days, meaning by October 25th. So they expect me to be able to make an appointment to see my doctor, see my doctor, and mail my results to them in New Zealand in 15 days. To me that seems like a crazy fast timeline. Because I'm on vacation and won't even be back in MN until October 30th I have requested an extension on this date. I am not however, going to hear back on my extension for at least a few more days so in the mean time I have had my passport mailed to me (something I need for the doctor's appointment) and made an appointment to see a doctor here in Gainesville, GA next Thursday. If I do not get granted the extension, I will have to I will have to go to this appointment next week and then spend $45 sending my paperwork to New Zealand priority mail. I know it's all gonna work out but this has been hours in the making. I better like it in New Zealand after all this work!!

So onto the Government Shutdown Problems... Today I went to Anna Ruby Falls near Unicoi State Park. I drove about 90 minutes to get there only to find out is closed due to the government shutdown:

I decided to go to the state park anyways because I wasn't about to turn around and drive right back. The park was very pretty but no water falls... Here's a few pictures of Unicoi Lake and from my hike around it:

They have barrel shaped cabins you can stay in. They are called "barrel cabins". Cryptic, isn't it?

A small brook (or creek? I'm not sure what the difference is...) coming right out of the hillside. Super cool!

So that's my day today.

Oh, we also continued painting the shed. We are almost done. Probably will finish tomorrow morning or early next week.

Tomorrow is my healing ceremony, depending on what happens I either will or won't share the experience with you guys. I also don't know if I am supposed to talk about what happens during the ceremony. Then tomorrow night we leave for NC! I can't wait!

I'm gonna do another post now with pictures from the last few weeks that I haven't uploaded yet. Outside of that, let's chat soon!

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