Tuesday, September 3, 2013

CSA Shares

Monday is CSA harvesting day. This morning I worked with Paul, Becky, Hannah, Li, and a woman who helps on the farm, Grace, harvest, clean, and pack, and delivery 15 CSA shares. Personally, I helped harvest tomatoes and spinach. Then we washed the spinach in the outdoor vegetable processing area and the weighed and packed the shares inside. After lunch Paul and I dropped off the shares in town

After getting back from town I helped cut up melon to be dried in the dehydrator and then helped with some of the cooking. Oh, I forgot to mention, I cooked grilled cheese sandwiches for the everyone for lunch today. I'm trying to make myself useful :)

That's all for now. It's a beautiful day up here so I'm going to try to get outside for a few minutes now and read my book.

Chat soon!

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