Monday, September 2, 2013

Hello Bemidji!

I have so much to say and so little time. This post might be a little choppy and confusing, so sorry in advance, but I want to get as much down as possible before I forget myself and so you can know all about my new, exciting farm.

So this afternoon I arrived at farm #2, Northern Light Farm, outside Bemidji, MN. Soon after I got here they had me help with harvesting Squash, Green Beans, and Tomatoes. On Mondays and Thursdays they drop off CSA shares in Bemidji. They do most of the harvest those mornings but pick some items the night before, if/when possible. With that said, tomorrow harvesting will begin at 6:30. Then around 1pm we will head out with the CSA coolers to town.

The family that lives here is made up of 4 people, Paul, the husband, Becky, the wife, Hannah, the daughter, and Li, the son. Paul teaches at Bemidji State University. Becky works for the DNR. Hannah will be starting college at Carleton next week. Li is going into 8th grade.

At this farm they have vegetables that they sell in a CSA. They also have honey bees, chickens, and beef cattle. Additionally, they have 5 pet cats, and a pet dog.

I spoke with them today about what might be in store for my time here and it sounds like I will be getting LOTS of new experiences. Two times per week we will be harvesting and packing vegetables for CSA shares. We will be rotating the beef cattle from pasture to pasture. If possible, we will be vaccinating the calfs (which I'll get to help with). Next weekend one of the chicken's eggs will likely be hatching so I'll get to see that. Paul, the husband, said we can butcher a chicken too, which I would like to see. I will also get to help construct some hives for the bees. I will get to help can and pickle vegetables. I'm pretty sure there are things I'm forgetting....

Tonight over dinner I learned there are ants that taste like lemonade. Crazy, isn't it?!?!

As a note, I am currently sitting in bed typing this post. In the room I am sleeping in there are multiple pets, including a corn snake, a 37 year old turtle, and a salamander. Additionally, there are eggs that are being incubated - I'll take a video in the next few days of my rotating the eggs and post here for your enjoyment!

Hope you were able to follow my unorganized post. I have to get to sleep now since work starts at 6:30am and that's only 8 hours from now (and I'm still sleep deprived from the fair). Chat soon!

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