Friday, September 6, 2013

Zucchini Bread, Sundried Tomatoes, The Mississippi River, CSA Shares, Lake Bemidji State Park

Okay so I have to do a quick update on two days since I didn't post yesterday....

So yesterday we processed tomatoes in the morning and put some in the dehydrator to make sun-dried tomatoes (which I just tasted a few hours ago and boy, are they delicious!). Then we made zucchini bread with chocolate chips and walnuts. It was okay. It wasn't as moist as I tend to like my quick breads but it was good nonetheless. In the afternoon yesterday we did some vegetable harvesting in advance of CSA day today and I also went for a bike ride down the local roads. I made it to the Mississippi river and where I was the river was super skinny, how weird when I'm used to seeing it much wider. Here's a few pictures from the County Road 5 in Beltrami County where it crosses over the Mississippi:

Today I was up early harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and spinach for the CSA boxes. I have never picked so many tomatoes in my life, and they just keep coming! I swear as I'm going down the row, after I've picked the ripe tomatoes off of a plant, the other one's ripen and I have to do it all over again!

After we had all the CSA boxes packed and had eaten lunch, I headed out for Lake Bemidji State Park. It's just beautiful there. I went for a nice jog through the woods on the trails. As I was jogging I was thinking to my self, it's really weird that I'm not more creeped out right now by being in the woods all by myself without a phone. I find this especially interesting since one day I was walking near my apartment in the Lowry Hill/Kenwood neighborhood, down the trails that go under 394, thinking how it would be a great place to dump a body (I watch a lot of crime shows....). After that thought I wasn't ever able to go down there again. Apparently I find the city (where there's people everywhere) to be much creepier than the woods (where no one's around). Either way, enough of that!!!

Here's a link to a short video from my time in the state park today.

I started reading Anne of Green Gables today. I've seen the movie probably dozens of times but never read the book. I'm about 50 pages in and loving it! I think it helps that I have a vague recollection of the movie. It's helping me paint a clearer picture in my mind.

 Tomorrow I'll be going to Itasca State Park. I plan on doing some kayaking in the morning and hopefully a bike ride around the lake in the afternoon. I'll try to get some good videos and post them for you all to see.


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