Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goat Show Day 1

So we just got home from the goat show. We left the house about 6am and didn't get home until about 11pm. Long day at the goat show. Since I have to be up early again tomorrow I don't have much time to post but I'll give you a few highlights:

(1) I showed an alpine doe who won her class (Alpine Yearlings). I think I will get to show her again tomorrow.
(2) I was the star waitress of the dinner. They usually don't have one but I filled the role splendidly and was graciously thanked by all in attendance.
(3) I may have ring worm. There was a very cute kitten hanging around the show. I picked it up a few times, after which someone told me it likely has ringworm. I guess I'll just have to wait and see but Doug told me a little Clorox will take care of a ring worm infection.
(4) I was in charge of keeping the arena dirt damp and I did a very good job. I will have more watering to do tomorrow morning, bright and early, but ti really helps keep the dust to a minimum during the show when all the goats are walking about kicking up dust.
(5) I'm sick. I have been taking Zicam and using Halls lozenges all day today and despite my best efforts my sinuses are super congested. I can barely breath right now and I can't bend over or my entire head starts pounding. I can't imagine I'll feel any better tomorrow but hopefully in the next few days I will.

Okay, that's all for tonight folks. Chat tomorrow! And I'll fill you in with more details on Monday once I have time to spend blogging.


As a note, I will definitely do my best effort to be back at the show next year!

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