Saturday, September 7, 2013

Itasca State Park

So today I went to Itasca State Park. I got there about 9 am, hoping to get a kayak and get in the lake early but I found out when I arrived that the rental place didn't open until 10am. With this new found hour of time, I biked down to the headwaters and took two videos. Find them here and here. The first video is of me (and now you) crossing the rocks at the Headwaters. The second video is a panoramic view of what you can see while you're crossing.

Here a few photos from the headwaters:

At about 10 I rented a Kayak and took to Lake Itasca. I thought I would be out there about an hour and a half. I didn't take anything with me though, no phone, no camera, etc... so I didn't know how long it was actually taking me. I didn't get back until 1 pm and by that time I had gotten myself sufficiently sunburned! The Kayak was very nice, however, and I would highly recommend it if you're going to visit Itasca State Park. And it's only $6/hour so it's very reasonably priced. Here's a short video.

After my Kayak adventure I was quite tired and was no longer feeling up for a bike ride around the park. Instead I went to a few of the visitors centers (where I bought a t-shirt to protect my now red shoulders) and stopped at a view point along the road, Preacher's Grove. Then I did go for a short hike, maybe 2.5 miles total, up to Fire Tower. Here's a shot of what it looks like from the ground:

A gentleman that I encountered during my climb told me it was 138 stairs high. I forgot to count myself as I was trying not to cry!
Here's a link to video of the view from the top.

Okay, that's all for today folks! Chat soon!

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