Friday, April 18, 2014

Great Customers

I had a series of wonderful customer tonight making my evening just splendid! Let me try to look back on all of them for you:

- A family from Miami. I had a family in from Miami. The mother was born in Cuba and the father was born in Argentina but they now live in Miami. They are only in Auckland for a few days over the easter weekend (which in reality is a terrible time to be in Auckland unless you have family here since most things are closed) but are trying to make the most of it. They are traveling with their two young children, the daughter maybe 4 and the son probably about 1 year old. Cute, cute family and always fun to have Americans around. 

- A couple from Los Angeles 7.5 months into their 8 month long world tour honeymoon. The husbands name is Damion and I can't remember the wife. They were a completely splendid couple and so much fun to talk to. They are going to 22 countries on their world tour in Europe, Africa, and Asia/Pacific - and they're not doing it on the cheap! I want their life! I did ask Damion if he had a brother or any great friends, I even offered to give him my phone number to hand out, but he didn't take me up on the offer in the end. Either way they were splendid to talk to and what a great new goal for me. After this world tour save up money to do a second world tour but without having to limit my spending too much. I'm not necessarily talking the Ritz in every city but maybe the Hyatt or Intercontinental or something nice. 

- An older Kiwi couple celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. It's always great to see couples stay together for so long. Although people always find the divorce rate concerning, I find it amazing that anyone can stay together for 30 years at all. I'm only 24 and I don't have one person in my life I've been friends with for more than maybe 8 years straight through. And that might even be a stretch. Granted I have friends I've known since I was young but we've drifted in and out of each others lives, never being great friends for more than a few years at a time. I'm obviously not counting my family, but I am just always in awe of people who can get alone for that much time - or at least stay committed through it all. I hope some day I can do the same.

- A young kiwi couple on a date, Rueben and Alex. They were a really nice young couple but I honestly didn't remember giving them any sort of extra attention. My usual socializing, as always, and they were very nice and fun but when they were finished with dinner they left me the nicest note. Here's what it said: "Thanks for your lovely friendly service. We had a wonderful experience at Ortolana thanks to you! Rueben + Alex". This is definitely something I am going to keep from this trip. It's always so nice to know that you are making a difference in people's lives and your work is appreciated. 

- A Kiwi family out for dinner. I had a very nice family of four towards the end of the evening, a father, mother, and their two teenage daughters. They were a total pleasure to have. The mother reminded me of a family friend - Connie VanOrnum - which is always fun to get a reminder of home over here. The daughters were so pleasant and we just had a great time chatting. The mom was great because she kept embarrassing the girls and I told them that when I was maybe 22 I finally told my parents that no matter what they did they wouldn't embarrass me again. I'm not confident I've totally stuck to that but it just takes so much effort to be embarrassed, it's much easier just not to be. One of the daughters was also very interested in my industrial piercing so it was fun talking to her about that. I also told this table that I'm looking for a nice male travel partner and they should keep an eye out for me. I work Thursday - Monday nights so they can just send him in then.

- Eleonora and Dennis. These two come in almost every night but I haven't known much about them until tonight. They usually come in with a young girl as well, I think she's about 3 or 4 years old. Our restaurant isn't crazy expensive but they spend about $100/night on dinner so they obviously have some money. They are also clearly not from NZ - they actually come from Russia. The relationship between them and the young girl isn't clear (and I didn't get this information out of them yet) but I do intend to find out. I finally asked them a few questions tonight about what they're doing here and they are both studying at Uni - she for a Masters in Professional Accounting (at least that's what I think she said) and him for a degree in Finance. I hope to find out a bit more every night as it's just nice to know about your regular customers.

Anyways, that's all for right now. We got paid tips tonight so that was nice. I made $150. I haven't been here for the whole last tipping period so I was pretty happy with that. I have a double tomorrow so it's time to head to bed. 10 -3 and then 5- close. Nothing else to report for now.


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