Friday, April 18, 2014

Pay Raise!

Yesterday I got a pay raise at work, yay!!! When I was hired the agreement was I would start at a training rate of $16.50 and then after I was handling my own section I would move to a higher rate of $18. I have had my own section for about 2 weeks now so I asked yesterday and then said yes, next week I can move to the higher pay rate. I'm so happy! More money in the bank. Nice!

Outside of that, nothing too much up here. I'm feeling a bit bored in Auckland. I'm not loving it and need to make some changes but I'm not sure what those changes should be. I'm very happy at work so I'm going to try not to leave Auckland if possible but something needs to give. I'm not busy enough outside of work so I need to find some hobbies or activities to get involved in. I've taken up knitting as of two days ago but I can't sit around doing that all the time. I may start taking a pottery class that's like 8 weeks long - could be fun. I am also looking at moving to a different place but I'm not sure how much that will help either way. Maybe a second job that's a few hours a week? I am also just not getting all the novel experiences in that I was getting when I was WWOOFing in America and then living in Coromandel Town. I'd like to do more fun/exciting/different/crazy things but there just isn't so much in the way of that here in Auckland. It's really a rather boring city. Maybe I'll try WWOOFing on my days off? I earn PTO very quickly at my job (1 day for every 3 weeks of work) so I'll probably try to take a few vacation this winter as well - maybe to the South Pacific and then around NZ as well. I'm not totally happy, something needs to change, I'm just not sure exactly what. I'll let you guys know as I work on this problem and hopefully I can figure out a solution.


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