Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rent Problems

I have been very lucky with the place I'm living now because my roommate/landlady has been very flexible with when I pay my rent and has not required a bond from me which is great since I'm trying to live all in NZ dollars and don't have much saved up to date. For the first few weeks of having my new job I was having a bit of a cash flow problem and so she allowed me to go a few weeks without paying me rent. Last thursday, however, I finally had enough money to pay 3 weeks rent at once and thus took the $780 out of my bank account that day. I left the money in an envelope for her and put in on her pillow - knowing she'd have to move it to get into bed and thus would see the money. Today I paid her rent for this week and when we went to do the transaction she said she had not received rent money from me in 4 weeks. I told her I had left money for her on her pillow last week and she said she never got it. A long conversation/search ensued where in the following facts came out:

- She found the envelope with my note saying "rent money for past two weeks and this week". She has the envelope which is good news but pointed out that I hadn't actually written any dates on it so it doesn't mean much. There wasn't any money in the envelope.
- I check my bank account and can see the withdrawal for $780 dollars, exactly 3 weeks rent.
- She has no recollection of removing the money from the envelope but did think to herself this morning, before this all came to light, that the cash she had had been lasting quite a long time (possibly meaning she had my rent money).
- She remember talking last week about this. When I got home that night I asked her "Did you get my money?" to which she responded "Yes." She, however, thought I had said "Do you want my money?" and thus obviously responded "Yes."
- She is going to think back to what she has purchased in the last week and a half to see if she can account for having received it.

I just got home from work and she's asleep already so I don't know what ever happened. I'm a bit stressed about it but what can I do? I'm not paying the money again because I already paid it. Plus, I don't have another $780. I spoke with my father about this and in all reality there wouldn't really be anything she could do about it anyways if she didn't believe me.

All in all, it's really just bugging me that I feel like she doesn't trust me. She says she does but I am still sensing some doubt about whether I paid her or not. I know I paid her. I took the money out of my account, put it in an envelope and left it on her bed. If she has the envelope and it's empty I have to believe that she has the money. I don't like that my actions are being questioned because I'm not that kind of person not to pay and then lie and say I did. I really hope it all works itself out as I don't want this to end on a bad note but I guess there isn't anything I can do about it at this time. Hopefully I'll be able to touch base with her in the morning and see what she's figured out this afternoon.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

In good news - today is the first day of the new pay period and so I'm not making money at my higher wage of $18/hour. Now I'll be able to save more money and then go on a nice vacation this winter to one of the South Pacific Islands! Yay! And, this week there are two public holidays, both of which I'm working, and thus will get to big days of time and a half plus an 8 hour day in lieu for each. Yay! By the end of next week I'll already have like 5 paid days off. Nice!

The easter bunny came for me today. I went to my favorite bakery to buy a couple hot crossed buns for Easter and the guy that works there gave me a 6 pack and said the easter bunny left it for me. How nice!

I had another night of fabulous customers! I just love that I get to watch people while I'm at work - like people watching - but then I also get to interact with them and learn so much more than you learn by simply watching them. I just really enjoy seeing all these people enjoying themselves. Out with family, meeting old friends for dinner, drinking wine, eating great food, enjoying themselves, and relaxing. I really couldn't have a better job! Amazing!

The American couple who is one the 8 month honeymoon came back in tonight. The husband's name I remembered, Damion, but I got to ask the wife her name again, Lindsey. They remembered my name, how sweet! It's there last night in Auckland tonight then off to French Polynesia and then home to LA where they have to buy a house before going back to work in July. Busy times ahead for them but I'm so happy they've given me something to strive for with my life. Amazing!

I had a german family in tonight. The daughter, Levke, lives here in Auckland. The parents are visiting from Germany. I had a great time chatting with them, such a wonderful family. The daughter asked for my contact info for if/when she comes to MN. That's a first! No one has ever told me they're ever coming to MN. Her father then gave me his card and said when I go to Germany to call them, which I definitely will! They were helping me learn how to pronounce a german dessert wine, Spatlese, and when I go to Germany we will go out for a glass of it. Another place I now have to visit.

I had another couple in tonight from Waiheke island. The wife invited me (and my parents when they're in NZ) to come and stay with them at their house for up to 1 week. How amazing. I think she may have had a few drinks (he husband didn't seem terribly hot on the idea) but I'll probably call her anyways. I've got absolutely nothing to loose if she changes her mind.

Just amazing the people I'm meeting ever day here at my job. It never matters what mood I'm in when I get to work, I'm always happy and energized when I leave. I just love it!

Okay, I have to be up in 6.5 hours for a long day of work tomorrow so this is good night.

Happy Easter! I hope the easter bunny brings you something nice.


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