Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm Coming Home to MN

So I've decided to cut my trip short and return to the US. The weather is going to start getting colder here, it's starting to get warm in MN and I just feel like I'm missing out on so much at home. Just kidding, Happy April Fools Day! There's no way I'm coming home any time soon, although the weather is going to start getting cold here and I heard it was really nice yesterday in Mpls. It's still really nice here, maybe about 80* during the day but winter is coming, yuck! It's not gonna be MN cold, not even below freezing, but apparently it's cloudy and rainy all winter - almost worse than snow.

It was my day off today. I finished my current book this morning, another Patricia Cornwall novel and then went to the park for a bit. After that I met Brooke and Sarah for lunch out in Titirangi, a western suburb of Auckland. A super cute little town and cute cafe. Sarah is leaving on Monday for the UK for 2 years to teach. Too bad since she's such a fun girl but I'm sure she's gonna have a great time. I think she's hoping to fall in love with an English guy and never come home. Best of luck, Sarah!

This afternoon I had to go buy more road miles for my car. So in NZ you pay taxes on petrol at the pump but not on diesel fuel since diesel is used for things like boats that don't use the roads. To make up for not paying diesel taxes at the pump you have to buy road miles at the DMV so that you can drive your diesel car on the road. My diesel miles ran out at 248,813 and when I pulled into the DMV to buy more diesel miles my car was at 248,812. I really cut that one close. If you get caught driving without valid diesel miles I think the fines can be pretty steep! I bought 2,000 road miles (well it's actually kilometers but I think they still call them "road miles") for $115. It's kind of expensive but since I'm not driving my vehicle so much any more it should last me a while.

Tonight I went out for dinner by myself to an Italian place in Parnell. I had gnocchi for dinner with a glass of wine and then a cappuccino and a molten chocolate cake for dessert. I was so full when I left my stomach hurt, but man was it delicious!

In good news, I got my IRD number today so I can finally start getting paid at my new job. I emailed the number to them today. We get paid on Wednesday but I'm not sure if they're going to be able to get my money to me by then. I know my boss is trying but we'll see what happens. Either way, I'm just happy I got it! Yay! When I called to get it over the phone, however, he wanted me to record myself saying some different phrases like my birthdate and IRD number so they can use voice recognition software next time I call to identify me. I told him I wouldn't do it because it was creepy. The guy I was talking to didn't seem to pleased with that but I'm not sure how I feel about the NZ government using voice recognition software on me. I guess it's probably not as bad as the US government having that but I wouldn't be surprised if they have all sorts of stuff on me without my knowledge.

Tomorrow I've got a big day. I'm going to go out to Rangitoto Island during the day to hike the volcano. At 5:30 I'm getting my hair cut. Then I'm going to my NZ family's house for dinner. My NZ family is coming to MN in a few weeks and I'm trying to put together a list of places for them to go, things to do, where to eat, etc... I know this used to be my job, when I was concierge at the St. Paul Hotel, but they're going to be in MN for 3 weeks and I'm having trouble coming up with a ton of things to do. If you have any ideas I can share with them, please let me know.

Nice chatting to you all tonight.


And have a happy April Fools Day!

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