Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quick Post

I don't have much time so I'm going to try to cram a big post into a few short paragraphs.

Item #1, ANZAC service. I am no longer going to the ANZAC service tomorrow. I'm really bummed! I have to work at 9:00 am tomorrow now and its already after midnight. It's not really a great idea for me to sleep for maybe 4 hours and then go straight into a 12+ hour shift. That said, ANZAC service is out, work is in, and so is money in my back account for the holiday at time and a half!

Item #2, Kathmandu. I went to the local Kathmandu store today to purchase some warm outdoor wear as we're moving into winter here. I want to still be able to take advantage of my days off through winter and get out doing hikes, bikes, exploring NZ. Today I bough hiking books, a winterish jacket, 2 tops, 1 bottom, socks, and a backpack all for about $305 USD. Crazy! And I made friends with 2 of the girl who work at the store, one Kiwi, and one girl who was born in the US but grew up in Mexico. I think we're going to do a few hikes together! Nice! I'll post a photo of all my great new stuff tomorrow or Saturday. I'm turning into an outdoor girl. AHHHH!!!

Item #3, work. Today I had a table tell me that I'm really great at my job. It is so nice to hear great feedback from my tables. Shortly after that my manager Jonathan told me that he doesn't know what I'm doing but my tables always leave really happy and to keep it up. I know I'm great with people, and I know my tables generally tend to like me, but it's really nice to get such encouraging and reassuring feedback - especially after my last boss thought I was so bad at my job. I'm not working at a nicer restaurant, in a more demanding environment (at least expectation wise with the level of service), and I'm excelling. I like my job, my customers like me, and my boss thinks I'm doing a good job. Couldn't ask for much more, could I?

That's all for tonight. Time to rest up for my big work day tomorrow.


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