Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tentative Plans for Next Week's Days Off

After all the fun I've had these last two days exploring NZ I'm going to try and go away for the night next week on my days off. I am either going to do a hike near Raglan (a surf town on the West coast) that I wanted to do today but didn't, or I'm going to do a 2 day bike trip near Lake Taupo. It will all depend on weather and costs but I think both would be quite fun. Anyways, that's all for now. For future plans:

Tomorrow - errands in the morning and work in the evening. I've decided I'm not doing errands anymore on my days off, leaving these for the days I'm working. Might as well fully relax on my days off and treat my working days like a real work week.

Friday - ANZAC day. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. It's the Australia and NZ equivalent of Memorial Day. There is a dawn service at the War Memorial Museum here in Auckland that I'm going to attend. The service starts at 5:30 am (quite early) and we'll need to get there even earlier if we want a good place to stand. It lasts for 30 minutes after which we're going to go out for pastries at my favorite bakery. Just read this online about the dawn service:

"This service is a solemn reminder of the dawn landing on Gallipoli of 25 April 1915"

Saturday & Sunday - Work, work and more work.


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