Thursday, April 17, 2014

Taiwanese Television

Last night Tom and I went to see The Grand Budapest Hotel. Tom said it was the best movie he'd seen in a long time. I liked it, but my way of deciding if a movie is good or not is if I wonder throughout the movie how much time is left. I did do that but maybe only once or twice last night so I'd say it was pretty good. Reminded me of my concierge days - except I wasn't having affairs with any of my guests and I never ended up in prison, nor did anyone bequeath me anything in their will. Outside of those major things, the hotel seemed a bit like the one I worked at. After the movie we went for dinner. We wanted to try a new place, somewhere we hadn't been before, so we chose a random restaurant on the second floor of a building where we had to go up this weird little staircase. The food wasn't really anything to write home about but the Taiwanese television was pretty cool. We probably spent about 45 minutes watching the Taiwan's version of Ellen. It's like a talk show/game show and the host of the show regularly hosts the top film awards in Taiwan. The show is called Kangxi Lai Le. You can watch a clip here if you'd like. It is hosted by a man and woman pair. The man, Kevin Tsai, is a famous Taiwanese author and as the girl at the restaurant explained, the "Taiwanese Ellen". The female host, Dee Hsu, if famous for her good body, like a model. She's had 3 kids and is still very skinny and shapely. Enough about the hosts - the entire show is obviously in Chinese but that didn't deter me and Tom. We watched the show for about 30 minutes trying to figure out what was going on before asking out waitress. We had more or less figured it out - at least at a high level. It's situations like this that make it very clear how much of communication is non-verbal. After the movie, dinner, and tv, we checked out a cool little bar, Ginger Minx. That's really all for last night.

Winter has finally arrived today with a large rain storm. Apparently it rains all winter and boy has it started today. It's windy and rainy and it's apparently supposed to stay like this for a few days. It was raining yesterday a bit, on and off, but today it's more full on. Can't wait for 4-5 months of this weather! :)

That's all.

Hope you all remembered to file your taxes.


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