Monday, April 7, 2014

Wonderful Customers

Worked again yesterday and I had my own section again, this time with 7 tables! And I'm doing better every night! I had lots of wonderful tables, all of my customers were just a delight! They were so friendly and nice and having such a good time! I just had such a good time at work last night. One of my table even told me I do I very good job explaining the menu which made me very happy. In the few days I've been serving I've been perfecting my little menu spiel. Here's a link to the menu. If you take a look, I'm sure you will so lots of words on there you don't know. I have now started going over all of them with my tables ahead of time so they know what everything is. Although it does take a few minutes, they seem to appreciate it because otherwise they don't know what everything is, I doubt they want to ask about every word they don't know, and who (besides very adventurous people) wants to order something they don't know what it is. Anyways, I had a great night at work! More work today and then Tuesday and Wednesday off. Tuesday I might be going for a day trip with some co-workers somewhere and then Wednesday I think I'm doing some rock climbing and steamed bun eating with Tom. That's all for now.


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