Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hakarimata Summit Hike

Today I decided once again that I should get out of the city for the day. I drove about 1.5 hours south of Auckland, just north of Hamilton. There is a town there called Ngaruawahai - don't ask me how to pronounce that - and a great 2 km hike. The hike takes you to the top of large hill, and includes about 1500 steps. I meant to count exactly on the way down but forgot to start and didn't want to hike back up and start over. I just found that figure on line but it seems accurate. And you do them almost all straight though. It's like 1 km + of straight stairs. A great heart work out, that's for sure. But man is it worth it. When you get to the top you can see for miles and miles and miles. You can't even believe it! Here's a few photos:

Looking Southwest

Looking West (Out towards to Tasman Sea)

Looking East

Looking East (out over NZ towards the Pacific - although you can't see the ocean)

Looking North (towards Auckland)

Here's a link to a video I made up at the summit lookout point.

After hiking I drove around a few of the nearby small towns and grabbed lunch. I walked by this storefront:

The store front. 

(Close up of the bottom of the door)

I didn't know my grandfather (my dad's dad) well since he passed away when I was still a kid but this reminds me of something he would do. Do you agree Joyce family?

That was about it for today. I came back to Auckland around 3 and took a nap as I was tired from yesterday and today. I am now about to head out for dinner with a friend and then back to work tomorrow. I have more to say but I'm going to be late for dinner. I'll either write another post tonight or do one tomorrow morning. 


Oh and one last thing. A photo from a dam part way up to the summit. Man meets nature. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Annabelle
    You may not remember us and we may not have exchanged names. We were holidaying with another couple in NZ & met you at the book/cafe where you were working in the Coromandel and you gave me your name and blog as I showed an interest in following it. Well, both my friend Anna and I (Faye) have been following your activities with great interest. It is fun. Should you wish to communicate please give me your email address on your blog. We live in Perth in Western Australia. Glad you are enjoying your current job. Thanks and Cheers Faye
