Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Way too much fun on my Saturday night!

Yesterday I had way too much fun, thus my lack of a blog post yesterday or this morning. I have spent pretty much all day recovering, and I'm not feeling all better yet. Now, where do I even start?!

Yesterday during the day Anthony (my co-worker) and Jonathan (one of the managers at Ortolana) and I went out for lunch at one of Hipgroup's other locations. After lunch we went to see the Hipgroup's farm where we grow lots of the produce that we use to prepare our dishes. I took lots of photos but I'll post another day - not feeling like waiting today. After the farm, we went out to Muriwai beach to see the Gannet Colony. Jonathan and I had been there before but Anthony hadn't. It was cool to see again. We hung out at the beach for a bit and then headed back into the city to check out a chocolate shop in Parnell, a cute neighborhood between where I live and the CBD. Amazing chocolate and a fun time! By the time we'd finished with all this we headed our own ways to shower and nap before going out for dinner. And that's where the real fun began.

We met in the CBD at 7:30 to go for dinner at Ostro, a new hip, up-market restaurant near where we all work. We didn't have a booking so we went next door for a drink at a Japanese cocktail bar before dinner. We then went back to the restaurant and ordered a bottle of wine to drink while we waited for our table. It took about 90 minutes to get a table in the end but since it was our Saturday night we had no where to be. We sat down to eat around 9:00pm and had an amazing meal! The food was just fantastic! Another bottle of wine with dinner as well so we had plenty to drink. After dinner we went to a house party one of our work mates was throwing. House party might not be the correct term, more of a get together, but for a Tuesday night it was pretty crazy! Everyone at the party was french so I had to keep reminding them to speak in English. We left the party maybe around 12:30 or 1 and went to a bar on the viaduct. Spent a few hours there drinking and laughing and dancing. One of the guys that came with us from the house party, Alex, was an amazing dancer with some pretty fancy moves. I tried dancing with him for one song but I had on 4 inch heels on a stone floor so I couldn't move that well. We're going to go out dancing some other time I think when I can wear more sensible shoes and we can go somewhere with a better floor.

At the bar I met an American guy, Kelvin, from Virginia Beach. Always fun to meet Americans! When the bar closed around 3 am Kelvin and I went to the casino and I played roulette. I'd never played roulette in my life and I can't believe how much money is lost on each round (or whatever you call them). I placed two bets on 23 and lost both. I quit after that. I lost a total of $5. Then I took a cab home about 4:00am maybe. Anyways, I will probably elaborate tomorrow but it's not about 8:30 pm and I still have a headache. I've been watching House all day on Netflix. Seems somewhat like a waste of a day but I guess that's what Sundays are all about. My work week starts again tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get some good rest tonight.

Oh, today I always tried out the Bun Hut in Balmoral with Tom. I thought these were probably the best steamed buns we've tried yet. They were much smaller than the ones at the Jiale Bun Shop in Northcote. The one today were probably about the size of a clementine. The ones at the Jiale Shop were about the size of a grapefruit. Different, both VERY good, but I think I prefer the ones from today.

Anyways, headache getting worse from thinking and typing. Back to House. Back to trying to rehydrate and relax.


Fun and Random fact I learned today: The term "slider" is rumored to come from the US Navy where the greasy burgers "slid" across the galley grill when the ships pitched and rolled.

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