Friday, May 9, 2014

A Teacher From Edina

I worked today, even though it was supposed to be my day off, as one of my co-workers was looking for someone to take her shift and I'm in need of money. I just looked at my credit card bill today and in the last 2 days I've spent over $400 dollars. I went out for two meals - being that they were my days off - and then had my car expenses which look like they were about $300. So anyways, I needed the money and I ended up getting 7 hours in so that's good. I'm already up to 46.5 hours for the week and I still have one day left of work in this pay week - nice!

Anyways, at work tonight I overheard a table in another section talking about Mpls. I went over to them and asked if I heard correctly and it turns out the family is from South Dakota but one of the daughters used to teach at Countryside in Edina - about 5 years ago she said. She lives in Minnetonka and now works for Thompson Reuters. What a small world! Apparently her cousin graduated from Edina but she must be the year ahead of me because I didn't recognize the name. The parents live in Rapid City and the father gave me his card and told me to call next time I'm in SD for Strugis. They know the guy that runs the big Harley-Davidson store in town and I think they also know the people who run the Buffalo Chip. Maybe they can help me get a job there one summer?

We got tips today which was also nice. It wasn't all the much but now I'm that much closer to Samoa and Asia and everywhere else I'm going to go to.

One of my table didn't have any cash on them to tip me so they told me to come to Waiheke Island and they'd take me out for lunch as a tip. How nice, isn't it? I don't have my roster yet for next week but I think I'll go then for the day. Their nephew is in town now from London so they told me I'd have someone young to hang out with. (I did meet the nephew at dinner and he seems quite nice, probably around my age, maybe a bit older.)

No other notable customers I can think of right now....

Anyways, I'm off to bed. It's 1:35am here now and I have an 8am Skype date. Plus, I'm reading my book club book now, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, and it's really good so I want to get some of that in before bed.


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