Saturday, May 24, 2014

More of the Same

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, been busy working, as always! :) It's 1:20 am and I'm just getting into bed now. This week I did another 55 hour week, over 6 days. I am thankful to be getting such great hours as I need the money to pay for my car and my move, but it is getting a bit tiring. And I have another 6 week day next week. I'll probably be closer to 60 hours or more then as well as I have more early starts.

Last night Jonathan (France), Ana (Peru), and I went out to the bar for a few drinks after work. We ran into some friends who work in another bar and that was good. We met some nice people but overall it wasn't all that exciting. I did meet a group of NZ guys who couldn't believe that I know who LeBron James is. They told me 99% of women in NZ don't know who LeBron James is to which I replied 99% of women in America do know who he is. Obviously being from America really helped out in this case - there were really impressed with me. We did then made a video imitation some LeBron James move. I don't have the video - and it wasn't that good (both in that I was bad in it and the video was bad because it was so dark) - but maybe you'll see me on YouTube someday doing a LeBron imitation.

In other news, I had a guy guess that I was from MN the other night. I have not once on this trip had anyone guess that I'm from MN. Even after giving most people many hints, they still don't get it. This guy, however, guessed without any clues at all! First guess! Amazing!

My date with Joe doesn't appear as if it will ever pan out. He's a terrible texter - very intermittent, not great at encouraging conversation, and hasn't me about any future days that I'd be available. It is a bit strange because he's great at conversation in person, just terrible when texting. Anyways, I'm not counting on that panning out and am thus "on the hunt" for a date for this Tuesday, my only day off this week. (I am using the phrase "on the hunt" because whenever I'm out with Jonathan at the bar he always tells me that I'm "hunting," which is true because Kiwi guys are so shy I would never get a date if I waited for one of them to ask me out! Which brings me to another interesting point - I had a Kiwi guy buy me a drink at the bar last night, which is a real rarity. I even commented to him how he should go out and teach his fellow Kiwi males how to treat a lady. Haha! Anyways back to the original point of the paragraph....) I have one possibility for my Tuesday dinner date, the flat mate of the Dom (manager of all Hipgroup locations at Britomart). Apparently he's very charming, cute, nice, and has evenings off. She was going to pass my number to him last night but he wasn't home. Maybe I'll hear from him tomorrow so we can set something up?!

I'm trying to think of anything else happening here but I don't really have anything, sorry! It's time for bed. Chat later!


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